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What is the Social Model of Disability?

Featured Image by Anna Shvets, Pexels.com What is the medical model of disability and why is it problematic? The medical model of disability is a model by which illness, disability, or difference are the result of a physical condition and any disadvantages with access are a consequence of the individual’s

How to Disclose a Neurodiversity

Featured Image by Tirachard Kumtanom, Pexels.com The choice of when to disclose a disability or neurodiversity is personal and will depend on where you are in your life, your previous experiences, and what you’re trying to achieve. No one can or should tell you what to do. However, there are

What are the benefits of hiring a neurodivergent person?

Featured image by Tima Miroshnichenko, Pexels.com The term “neurodiversity” was coined in the 1990’s by a sociologist named Judy Singer. The term acknowledges that individuals experience and respond to the world in different ways; it rejects the idea that all individuals think, behave, and learn in the same way and

Several people in white suits hold up signs that say, "SAME AS YOU."

Unconscious Bias: Questions & Answers

Featured image by cottonbro studio, Pexels.com Blog post updated on 31st January 2022 Unconscious bias occurs when social stereotypes about particular people or groups impact a person’s judgement without them realising. All organisations and teams have unconscious assumptions about different social and identity groups, influenced by individual’s backgrounds, social environments

How is ADHD Diagnosed and How Do You Get an ADHD Diagnosis?

Featured Image by Tara Winstead, Pexels.com ADHD stands for Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. ADHD affects the behaviour of an individual where they may appear restless, find it hard to concentrate at home, school or work, or they may be very impulsive in acting on these decisions. The symptoms of ADHD can

What is a Disability Confident Employer?

Featured Image by Sharon McCutcheon, Pexels.com What is a Disability Confident employer & how do I become one? Disability Confident is a Government scheme that aims to develop more disability-inclusive workplaces. The purpose of this is to remove barriers and recognise the potential talent of many individuals with disabilities. Disability

What causes Autism?

Featured Image by Polina Kovaleva, Pexels.com What is autism? Autism, also known as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), is a spectrum disorder meaning each individual will experience varying levels and types of learning differences. ASD is characterized by repetitive patterns of behaviour and difficulties with social communication. Examples include struggling to

Neurodiversity and The Holiday Season

Featured Image by cottonbro studio, Pexels.com “It’s the most wonderful time of the year!” ♫ The holiday season is upon us. Often regarded as the happiest time of the year, December can be packed with activities and expectations, perhaps even more so this year after the whole country went into