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Autistic Meltdowns at Work: How to Help

Featured Image by Usman Yousaf, unsplash When people usually think of autism meltdowns their minds go to little children having ‘tantrums’ and think of it as a person being destructive or ‘naughty’. This is a stereotype and not the case for real life. In this guide we will be going

How to Handle Sensory Overload at Work

Featured Image by Gustavo Fring, Pexels Working in any environment can get very stressful after a while but for people on the autism spectrum that can be doubled with all the sensory issues going on. In this guide by Exceptional Individuals, we will be going over what is sensory overload

ADHD vs ODD: Similarities & Differences

Featured Image by SHVETS production, Pexels Many individuals often endure a close connection between Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), as they encounter the two conditions simultaneously. Research conducted in 2017 disclosed that over half of the public diagnosed with ADHD also held symptoms of ODD.

How to Be a Neuro-Inclusive Leader

Featured Image by fauxels, Pexels Neuro-inclusive leaders prioritise understanding and accommodating diverse neurological needs, fostering an inclusive environment where everyone can thrive. This article will explain what it means to be a neuro-inclusive leader by providing strategies to develop new skills and to create a more neuro-inclusive workplace. What is

How to Create Dyslexia-Friendly Powerpoints

Featured Image by LinkedIn Sales Navigator, Pexels This article will discuss several aspects of creating dyslexia-friendly PowerPoint presentations by prioritising accessibility, comprehension, and inclusivity. By paying attention to these characteristics, individuals with dyslexia may feel supported and in turn they may become more engaged with the content of the presentation.

Why Do Autistic People Dislike Phone Calls?

Featured Image by Yogendra Singh, Pexels For many people, phone calls are straightforward ways to communicate. People with autism, however, can find using the phone challenging. Find out more about the factors that make phone calls difficult for autistic people; and if they prefer written communication as opposed to using

Why is Eye Contact Difficult for Autistic People?

Featured Image by Noelle Otto, Pexels While eye contact is an essential part of communication, many autistic people can find it difficult. Find out why eye contact is important in both personal life and professional life; if there are any links between eye contact, sensory sensitivity, and social anxiety; and

ADHD Reasonable Workplace Adjustments

Featured Image by energepic.com, Pexels Clattering keyboards, ringing phones, constant distractions, sleeplessness, flying time. These might sound like minor annoyances in a typical workday, but for someone with ADHD, they’re more like barriers to entry. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder presents many challenges to day-to-day life. This is sometimes because of