What is Neurodiversity Celebration Week?

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Neurodiversity is a spectrum of conditions that primarily affect how people see and do things. People who have the conditions are classed as Neurodivergent. People that are diagnosed with neurodiverse conditions often think and do things that are different from how others do not share it and are all unique. Examples of neurological conditions include ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia and Dyspraxia, all fall under the same umbrella. There are many helpful guides and tips on thriving in the workplace if you are neurodivergent. If you suspect you have a neurodiverse condition there are handy quizzes on the Exceptional Individuals website.
What is neurodiversity celebration week?
Neurodiversity Celebration week was founded in 2018 by Sienna Casellton to challenge the stigma around neurodivergence and to change the ways that people with learning difficulties are treated by society. According to her website she “wanted to change the narrative and create a balanced view which focuses equally on our talents and strengths” The week spends educating people about neurodiversity and showing how to respect and nurture those who have a condition to be the best that they can be. There are resources to be found on the EI website about the benefits of neurodiversity.
When is neurodiversity celebration week?
Neurodiversity Celebration Week has been running since 2018 and this year, 2023, it is on the week of 13th March. There will be panels and seminars about the benefits of neurodiversity for school, work and beyond all throughout that week. Last year, over 2,600 schools took part.
Why do we celebrate neurodiversity week?
Neurodiversity Celebration Weeks lifts up the spirit of neurodiverse minds and shows that each person has their own drive and talent to make themselves count. It is about neurodiverse respected and showing schools and employers the benefit of having neurodiverse people in their circle. It is about recognising the strengths and talents of those among the spectrum and opening them up to possible new frontiers they might have never known to have seen before. Most of all it is about understanding. Understanding that we are all unique in our own special way and that we can all benefit from each other.
Image by Polina Kovaleva, Pexels.com
How can you celebrate neurodiversity celebration week?
Learn more about neurodiversity
There are many helpful tools and guides across the web to help you understand more about neurodiversity. Do exceptional Individuals have pages on What is Neurodiversity? And detailed guides about what each condition is and how it functions. And if you suspect that you are neurodivergent, there are quizzes available on the website including ones for autism, ADHD and dyslexia. You can also check out the webinars that we will be hosting and some past ones as well here. Other events will be going on along the week via various channels. Not everyone’s experience with neurodiversity will be the same so it helps to broaden your mind and speak to other people in the circle about their experiences.
Learn more about what neurodiverse people can bring to the workplace
Exceptional Individuals has many guides on how neurodiverse people can benefit the workplace. Neurodiverse people have all different sets of skills and ability levels in which can be taken and nurtured by the workplace to be the best that they can be. For example, a person with synesthesia can be best in the creative fields as their condition allows them to taste and see various music and colours and that can be a big help. People with autism tend to thrive in sectors that are quite logic orientated, such as the IT sector but that is not true for all autistic people. Having a neurodiverse person in the workplace shows that the employer is willing to see other viewpoints apart from their own and that it is a diverse place to work.
How can Exceptional Individuals help your company be neurodiverse and inclusive?
Exceptional Individuals was founded to help neurodiverse adults find and manage jobs in the workplace and the world at large. EI can help with workplace assessments and webinars to help the employer better understand neurodiversity. They can help with support needs such as assistive technology i.e screen readers, and offer a support assistant to liaison with the employer and help the neurodiverse employee get the most out of work. Also, they help host workshops on hiring neurodiverse workers and understanding the basics.
Neurodiversity Celebration Week is about bringing out the best of neurodiverse people and teaching others about the benefits and life of the condition. It is also about understanding everyone’s needs and evolving with the times in which more employers and schools need to be aware of the various needs that they possess. For more information please check out the website.