Our Events

We love engaging with our community, which is why host events celebrating neurodiversity and bringing like-minded people together.

Check out our upcoming webinars

We do lots of events...

...because we love engaging with our neurodiverse community, hosting events celebrating neurodiversity and bringing like-minded people together.

When we’re not celebrating with our community, we also try to run workshops, training and other up-skilling sessions for our community.

From our headline event, Great Minds Think Different, to conferences and workshops, we are sure there's something for you to enjoy!

These help us get out there and meet members of our community and help improve their confidence and realise their strengths.

GMTD 2018 - Celebrating neurodiversity everywhere
Great Minds Think Different 2017
Neurodiversity Conference

Have you been to Great Minds Think Different?

Our largest annual event is Great Minds Think Different.

This event is held as a celebration of neurodiverse talent, and helps to show off the creativity of our community and provide networking opportunities for other neurodiverse people.

Our last Great Minds Think Different event in November 2019 featured music, comedy, spoken word and a panel to discuss some key issues and questions on neurodiversity. You can view our video of the event below and our line-up poster by clicking the buttons below.

Look at the amazing acts we have had...

Over our many years of hosting Great Minds Think Different, we have featured many fantastic acts that have had amazing careers, using their neurodivergence to their advantage. Check out some of our previous guests at Great Minds in the past.