Autism Test for Adults

Take our online adult autism test and see whether you have any traits of autism.


Who is this autism test for?

This autism test is suited to adults who think they may experience traits of autism, such as difficulty with social interaction and interpreting others’ emotions, or preferring to stick to a fixed routine. However, as autism is a spectrum condition, individual traits will differ from person to person.

Do you have any symptoms of Autism?

The following online adult autism test helps identify whether you have any traits of autism. The questions look to see if you have any difficulty dealing with social situations, understanding aspects of language, multi-tasking, and more.

Why is it worth taking our online autism test?

While this quiz is not a diagnosis for autism, the test can give you an indication of whether you have traits of autism. If you score highly on this quiz, you may wish to speak to your GP about arranging a formal diagnosis.

A diagnosis can help you to access the support you need and can help explain to others what this support should be.

Take this quick online Autism test now...

Answer the questions below

The information provided on this website is for educational purposes only, Questions are from 'The Adult Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ) '. Please only use this as an indicator, it is not an official diagnosis. Do you understand this is not a diagnosis?

What is your name?

Before we begin, do you have any of the following?

I prefer sticking to a specific routine or schedule in my daily life

I find it challenging to understand the emotions and intentions of others.

I tend to have intense interests or hobbies that I dedicate a lot of time to.

I often prefer spending time alone rather than being in social settings.

I have difficulty adapting to changes in plans or unexpected events.

I find it challenging to make small talk or engage in casual conversations.

I am highly sensitive to sensory stimuli like noise, light, or textures. Example: You jump when your hear a loud noise or you dont like certain foods because of their texture.

I prefer following a specific order or sequence when performing tasks or activities.

I tend to take things literally and have difficulty understanding sarcasm or humor.

I have a strong attention to detail and notice things that others often miss. Example: you remember a phone numbers or what someone said in an early morning meeting.

I find it challenging to navigate and understand social dynamics in groups.

I prefer having a predictable and structured environment in my daily life.

I have specific routines or rituals that I follow to feel more comfortable.

I am highly focused on my own thoughts and ideas.

I have a strong preference for order and organisation in my surroundings.

I find it difficult to understand and express my emotions effectively.

I have a tendency to hyperfocus on specific tasks or activities.

I prefer communicating in written form rather than verbally.

I have a heightened sensitivity to certain tastes, textures, or smells. Example: you don't enjoy sour or spicy foods

I find it challenging to initiate or maintain friendships or relationships.

I enjoy spending time engaged in repetitive or specialised activities. 📚 Example: You like reading about a certain topic.

I have a strong need for consistency in my routines. You tend to feel more relaxed when you are doing your usual routine.

I tend to have difficulty understanding social cues and norms.

I have a strong attention to patterns or details in my environment.

I find it challenging to multitask or switch between different tasks or activities.

Before we proceed to your results, do you understand that the outcome of this quiz is not a diagnosis?This question is required.**

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Test results indicate Autism? you can schedule a Workplace Needs Assessment

We want to be very clear that these tests are not a diagnosis. However, you don’t need to have a formal diagnosis to get a free autism workplace needs assessment.

The workplace needs assessment lasts up to an hour, where you will be asked questions about your strengths and weaknesses. The assessor will then put in place recommendations on how to support you best in your place of work.

To see if you are eligible for a free autism workplace needs assessment, fill out our enquiry form today. 

If you are from the U.S.A you can download
our e-guide on Autism diagnosis 

If your results from your autism quiz showed signs of someone who has a significant number of autistic traits or tendencies

This indicates that seeking further testing from a healthcare professional is a good idea. To help support you along this journey please refer to our e-guide linked below.

U.S.A Autism e-guide

The e-guide covers a range of useful topics along your journey from what to do now, right through to support with diagnosis before and after your assessment.

What else should I do if the test suggests I could be autistic?

  • Don't panic, autism affects more than 700,000 in the UK.
  • Read some trustworthy resources to find out more about autism.  
  • Speak to friends and family.
  • Talk to your employer if you feel comfortable.
  • Contact your GP and think about getting a formal diagnosis if you're comfortable doing so.

After taking the autism test, how do I get a real diagnosis?

  • See Your GP: Discuss symptoms and concerns.
  • Get Referred: If needed, the GP will refer you to a specialist where you can further talk about issues you are facing.
  • Assessment: A team of experts will assess you through tests and interviews.
  • Diagnosis: You'll get a formal report and post-diagnosis support options to help you learn more about your diagnosis and measures that can be put in place to support you.
  • Ongoing Support: Includes professionals and support groups. We have a group which you may be interested in joining here.
  • Testing is free on the NHS but can have long wait times. Private options are quicker but costly.

Autism Test FAQs

Is the autism test accurate?

The test is only an indicator based on questions that will also be asked in a clinical setting. It's important to emphasise that our Autism quiz has a simplified scoring system and interpretation and should only be utilised in conjunction with a professional evaluation by a qualified healthcare provider. They can assist in identifying potential symptoms, but a comprehensive assessment by a healthcare professional is necessary for an accurate diagnosis.

What does the autism test involve?

The test will get you to answer 50 statements where you will be asked about your level of agreement or disagreement with each statement on a scale.

How long does the autism test take?

The test takes around 4 minutes to complete.