Dyslexia Recruitment
Are you looking to recruit talented neurodiverse individuals?
We work with employers, and candidates with dyslexia, to match the perfect people to their perfect roles.
Our Dyslexia Recruitment Service
At Exceptional Individuals, we provide a dyslexia recruitment service, working with employers and candidates to match the perfect neurodiverse people to their perfect roles.
We have hundreds of talented people with dyslexia in our database who have unique strengths that could benefit your business. We can advertise your roles, help you target the right neurodiverse people, and match our candidates with dyslexia to the roles that would best suit their unique skill set.e skill set.
Does dyslexia affect work?

Dyslexia is the most common neurodivergence, and most understood, usually affecting someone's ability to read or write accurately. People with dyslexia can also experience challenges with information processing, short-term memory and timekeeping. For this reason, it can be difficult for people with dyslexia to perform well in traditional written job applications, with handwritten fast paced note taking, and with lengthy reading tasks.
However, each person with dyslexia has their own unique talents which can include creativity, verbal communication, seeing the big picture, innovation, and the ability to think outside of the box to solve complex problems.
At Exceptional Individuals, we work with employers and dyslexic candidates to match the right people to the right roles and organisations. We have a database of candidates with dyslexia who have uploaded their CV and interest in securing a job. We then help to create a match with employers from well-known companies by inviting our candidates to apply to jobs which suit their skill set.
However, each person with dyslexia has their own unique talents which can include creativity, verbal communication, seeing the big picture, innovation, and the ability to think outside of the box to solve complex problems.
At Exceptional Individuals, we work with employers and dyslexic candidates to match the right people to the right roles and organisations. We have a database of candidates with dyslexia who have uploaded their CV and interest in securing a job. We then help to create a match with employers from well-known companies by inviting our candidates to apply to jobs which suit their skill set.
What is the best job for someone with dyslexia?
There isn’t a one size fits all career for every person with dyslexia. It depends on the individual’s interests and talents. Though there are careers that utilise the assets of having dyslexia, such as creativity and big picture thinking, more than others. These jobs include managerial positions, designing, creative arts and engineering, amongst many others.

People with dyslexia can have the following strengths that would make them ideal for certain jobs:
Ideal jobs for creative individuals:
- Graphic designer
- Advertiser
- Make-up Artist
- Costume designer
Ideal jobs for big-picture thinkers:
- Life coach
- Futurist
- Investigator
- Campaign manager
Ideal jobs for great communicators:
- Therapist
- Health care professional
- Social Worker
- Mediator
Ideal jobs for ground-breaking innovators:
- Entrepreneur
- Choreographer
- Video Game Designer
- Mathematician
Interested in our Dyslexia Recruitment service?
Give us a call on 0208 133 6046.