
Developmental Dyscalculia a learning difficulty that a person is born with.

What is Dyscalculia?

Developmental Dyscalculia is a difficulty understanding number concepts, performing calculations and computations. A person with dyscalculia can also struggle with time, measurement and spatial reasoning. It is not IQ dependent. It is a brain-based learning difference.

A person with dyscalculia is extremely creative and great strategic thinkers. They are also great at problem solving.

Common Dyscalculia challenges:

  • Reading analog clocks
  • Recalling schedules and sequences of events
  • Differentiating between left and right
  • Keeping track of time - frequently late or early
  • Concentrating on mentally intensive tasks

“I have trouble keeping track of my finances”

"I only use a digital watch"

"I get anxious when I am put on the spot to calculate something”

Common Dyscalculia strengths


Artistically or Linguistically. They are good with words and social interactions.

Intuitive thinking

Good at assessing a situation based gut feel. Good at face recognition, first impressions, good assessment of a person, good at reading a person’s reactions – nonverbal communication.

Problem Solvers

Growing up was difficult so they are very good at approaching a problem from a completely different angle. Their brains learn differently and therefore are great at finding creative and practical solutions for problems.

Strategic thinkers

Because they are often more observant and reflective than the average person. This helps them with reading a situation and then thinking about how to manage a situation so that the goal of the person and the organisation can be aligned.
Visual Learner

Examples of good jobs for people with Dyscalculia

  • Counsellor
  • Stenographer
  • Dental Hygienist
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Ship Engineer
  • Art director
  • Talent management