Developmental Dyscalculia a learning difficulty that a person is born with.
What is Dyscalculia?
It is estimated that 5% of the UK population have dyscalculia
of people with dyslexia also have dyscalculia.
of children with dyscalculia also have ADHD
Developmental Dyscalculia is a difficulty understanding number concepts, performing calculations and computations. A person with dyscalculia can also struggle with time, measurement and spatial reasoning. It is not IQ dependent. It is a brain-based learning difference.
A person with dyscalculia is extremely creative and great strategic thinkers. They are also great at problem solving.
Common Dyscalculia challenges:
- Reading analog clocks
- Recalling schedules and sequences of events
- Differentiating between left and right
- Keeping track of time - frequently late or early
- Concentrating on mentally intensive tasks
“I have trouble keeping track of my finances”
"I only use a digital watch"
"I get anxious when I am put on the spot to calculate something”
Common Dyscalculia strengths

Examples of good jobs for people with Dyscalculia
- Counsellor
- Stenographer
- Dental Hygienist
- Occupational Therapist
- Ship Engineer
- Art director
- Talent management