More about what we do...
Our mission:
“To provide consulting, recruitment and employment support to employers and individuals with dyslexia, dyspraxia, ADHD and autism. We provide the benefit of lived experience and are passionate about creating wider employment opportunities and better understanding and appreciation for neurodivergent individuals everywhere.”Our vision:
“To create understanding, opportunities and an inclusive culture for neurodivergent individuals everywhere. We want to inspire people through our own examples and life experiences. We want to be accessible to anyone who wants to better themselves and the world around them.”We have an awesome team too...
At Exceptional Individuals, we pride ourselves on having a neurodiverse team. Over half of our staff are neurodivergent, with a range of neurodivergence, from ADHD, to Autism, to OCD! We see our neurodivergence as a unique selling point, that allows us to thrive, and allows us easily to be empathetic with the people we work with.
Some of our team members are pictured below, hover over their image to find out what they do...

Matt Boyd

Sherilee Beaumont
Admin Support

Timothy Lang
Delivery Manager

Kinga Kubiak
Head of Operations