How Can You Manage Dyscalculia in the Workplace?

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Dyscalculia is a specific mathematics learning difference. Statistics indicate approximately 5% of the UK population have dyscalculia. This article will discuss the signs of dyscalculia, challenges people with dyscalculia can face in the workplace, how to manage dyscalculia in the workplace and a test to see if you have traits of dyscalculia.
What Are the Signs of Dyscalculia?
There are difficulties people with dyscalculia could experience and strengths people with dyscalculia could have.
Firstly, in terms of difficulties people with dyscalculia could experience, these mainly relate to mathematics.
Some examples of dyscalculia difficulties include:
- Understanding number concepts
- Performing calculations
- Computations
- Time
- Measurement
- Spatial reasoning
Secondly, in terms of strengths people with dyscalculia could have, this relates to brain functioning.
Some strengths of dyscalculia include:
- Creativity
- Strategic thinking
- Problem-solving
- Intuitive thinking
Image by Victor Freitas, Pexels
What Challenges Can Those with Dyscalculia Face in the Workplace?
The signs of having dyscalculia can cause challenges for people with dyscalculia at work. For example, people with dyscalculia can have difficulties understanding and working with numbers, performing calculations and remembering mathematical facts. People with dyscalculia can also experience difficulties with negative attitudes, time-keeping and planning schedules.
How Can Dyscalculia Be Managed in the Workplace?
There are many ways dyscalculia can be managed at work. This article will discuss three ways in more depth. The three strategies to be covered in this article are; having a calculator to hand, using calendars and schedules to plan your day and setting alarms to keep track of time.
Have a Calculator to Hand
Calculators are a commonly recognised form of assistive technology software for individuals with dyscalculia at work. Calculators can increase work efficiency, customer service and enable demonstration of their wider abilities.
Use Calendars and Schedules to Plan Your Day
Calendars and schedules reduce time difficulties. Thus, they can also enable employees with dyscalculia to plan their day, know when to move on to new tasks and attend appointments/meet deadlines.
Image by Black ice, Pexels
Set Alarms to Keep Track of Time
Alarm features are considered a reasonable adjustment for supporting employees with dyscalculia with organisation and planning. Alarm features help employees with dyscalculia to plan and track timings.
In case you have read this article and the signs of dyscalculia and wondered if you could, potentially, have traits of dyscalculia, fear not! At Exceptional Individuals, we have a traits-based dyscalculia test you can take to see if these are, indeed, traits of dyscalculia.
Webinar on Dyscalculia
Nat Hawley, our Head of Community, has hosted a webinar about dyscalculia. Please note that this webinar is not intended to diagnose dyscalculia. Only a qualified medical professional can make a formal diagnosis.