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Dyspraxia vs Apraxia: what’s the difference?

Featured Image by David Cassolato, Pexels This article will discuss the definitions of dyspraxia and apraxia, the main difference between them, and several aspects such as their nature, impact on speech, the severity of the condition, and the relationship between them. It is important to raise awareness about these conditions

What is OCD?

Featured Image by cottonbro studio, Pexels Difference Between Obsessions & Compulsions OCD is an abbreviation of obsessive-compulsive disorder which is a medical term used to describe a condition whereby those afflicted are tormented by reoccurring thoughts and consequent behaviours (compulsions). The obsessions thoughts can range from a variety of different

Autism & Dyspraxia: Differences & Overlaps

Featured Image by Tara Winstead, Pexels In this blog post, we’ll be looking at the differences and similarities between autism and dyspraxia. Autism is a lifelong neurodevelopmental difference in the way a person communicates, interacts with and processes the world around them. Meanwhile, dyspraxia is a common condition affecting movement

What is Complex ADHD: Symptoms & Treatment

Featured Image by Tara Winstead, Pexels According to the National Health Service, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a condition that affects individuals’ behaviour. Adults with ADHD are known to have problems with time management, following instructions, completing tasks, feeling restless, taking risks and so on. This article will draw

Autistic Meltdowns at Work: How to Help

Featured Image by Usman Yousaf, unsplash When people usually think of autism meltdowns their minds go to little children having ‘tantrums’ and think of it as a person being destructive or ‘naughty’. This is a stereotype and not the case for real life. In this guide we will be going

How to Handle Sensory Overload at Work

Featured Image by Gustavo Fring, Pexels Working in any environment can get very stressful after a while but for people on the autism spectrum that can be doubled with all the sensory issues going on. In this guide by Exceptional Individuals, we will be going over what is sensory overload

ADHD vs ODD: Similarities & Differences

Featured Image by SHVETS production, Pexels Many individuals often endure a close connection between Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), as they encounter the two conditions simultaneously. Research conducted in 2017 disclosed that over half of the public diagnosed with ADHD also held symptoms of ODD.

How to Be a Neuro-Inclusive Leader

Featured Image by fauxels, Pexels Neuro-inclusive leaders prioritise understanding and accommodating diverse neurological needs, fostering an inclusive environment where everyone can thrive. This article will explain what it means to be a neuro-inclusive leader by providing strategies to develop new skills and to create a more neuro-inclusive workplace. What is