Ruth-Ellen Danquah

Chief Innovation Officer


Lived Experience

I am neurodivergent. I also have an adult son who is neurodivergent.

What I Do

As Chief Innovation Officer for Exceptional Individuals, I deliver neuro-inclusive programmes through training, mentoring & coaching.

I also carry out workplace needs assessments so that neurodivergents have the support to thrive in the workplace.

I combine my passion for delivering with the value of 10 years of experience working in the neurodiversity space. As an author of The Rejection Sensitivity Journal for ADHD, speaker, & trainer, I believe labels are for jars and not for people. I aim to create safe spaces for people to belong.

Presentation Style

I love to engage an audience so they are part of a neuro-inclusive experience from the get-go. I believe in making workshops as relevant & interactive as possible because there is no transformation from information without implementation.

We have so many different workshops that are customised for each client, that no two workshops are the same. The sessions that I enjoy the most are the ones where the delegates are fully present – they ask questions because they are curious and answer questions because they aren't afraid to get it wrong; knowing that inclusion is a journey.

In these sessions, the reward is the participant's commitment to implementing the work - being allies not just during the webinar but after it too. I love the idea of creating sustainable employment initiatives, working with the team to help employers and employees work in collaboration. I really believe we can all live in a world where we are celebrated not just tolerated.

Some of the videos that I've worked on:

Some of my clients:

The Financial Times
Endemol Shine
eSynergy Solutions
Man Group