Our Social Impact

As a social enterprise, we support and help neurodivergent people find work, in order to give back to society.


Our social responsibility

As a social enterprise, we support and help neurodiverse people find work, in order to give back to society. We are passionate about our work in helping neurodiverse people succeed and become more confident in their abilities.

Exceptional Individuals was set up by Matt Boyd, following his personal difficulty navigating the job application process as a dyslexic person.

Since we began, the scope of our social enterprise has broadened, helping people with all forms of neurodivergence. We also decided to work with employers to ensure that businesses were doing all they could to be more inclusive and welcome neurodiversity.

As well as this, we have made efforts to promote neurodiversity in the media, educating and celebrating the benefits of neurodiversity, whilst challenging outdated negative stigma.

Have you read our Social Impact Report?

In order to measure how successful we have been since we started our journey, we conducted a Social Impact Report in June 2018 into our service. Towards the back-end of 2019, we released this in four parts, and offered a digital copy to anyone who attended Great Minds Think Different 2019.

The four parts that we broke the Social Impact Report into were:

Social Impact Report - Part 1

Part one - our theory of change

Social Impact Report - Part 2

Part two - our neurodiverse community

Social Impact Report - Part 3

Part three - our inclusive employers

Social Impact Report - Part 4

Part four - changing the neurodiverse conversation

The report reviewed our activity, helping us see how we were performing and where we could look to improve. We shared these results with our community and used the information to set ourselves targets for 2020. Understanding our vision and our mission was a key output of this self-assessment - this is what we decided upon:

Our vision

“To create understanding, opportunities and an inclusive culture for neurodiverse individuals everywhere. We want to inspire people through our own examples and life experiences. We want to be accessible to anyone who wants to better themselves and the world around them.”

Our mission

“To provide consulting, recruitment and employment support to employers and individuals with dyslexia, dyspraxia, ADHD and autism. We provide the benefit of lived experience and are passionate about creating wider employment opportunities and better understanding and appreciation for neurodiverse individuals everywhere.”

Since we clarified this mission and vision, our work has been better targeted to the things that have the biggest impact on the neurodiverse community. We will continue to review our work and iterate our processes frequently, reviewing the needs of neurodivergent people and seizing opportunities where they present themselves.

You can download the full thing!

You can now download our Social Impact Report (June 18 – June 19), by submitting your details below. An email will then be sent to your account containing the Social Impact Report.

If you have any questions about our Social Impact Report, please email us or fill in our contact form and we will get back to you as soon as possible. To check out more of our services for neurodiverse people, please click here.


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