Dyslexia Test for Adults

Take our dyslexia test for adults (below) to see whether you have any traits of dyslexia.


Do you have any traits of dyslexia?


Our dyslexia quiz helps to see if you have any traits of dyslexia. There are a number of questions throughout the quiz that ask you questions regarding how comfortable you are with reading and writing, and other areas.

Please note that the quiz is just to see if you have any traits of dyslexia - it does not diagnose dyslexia. Unfortunately, we don't have the capabilities to offer diagnosis. If you score highly on the dyslexia quiz, we would recommend speaking to your GP.

Who is this dyslexia test for? 

This test is suitable for adults who believe they may have symptoms of dyslexia such as difficulties with reading, spelling and writing. By taking this test, you’ll be able to gain insight into how many traits of dyslexia you could be experiencing and where you may need support.

Why is it worth taking an online dyslexia test?

This quiz doesn’t count as a diagnosis, but it can help you to understand more about yourself and how your brain works. Plus, if you score highly on the quiz, you can show your results to a GP and ask for a formal diagnosis to be arranged. If you do have dyslexia, there are plenty of support groups, resources and help that you can access

Take the online dyslexia test for adults...

Answer the questions below

What is your name?*

Do you have any diagnosed neurodiversity?

Are you based in the UK?*

Do you often struggle with reading words accurately? Example: sometimes using the wrong sounds in a word, choosing the wrong word.

Do you find it challenging to decode or sound out unfamiliar words? Example: Saying words the way they are written or writing words the way they sound

Do you have difficulty remembering sight words or common word patterns? This could be word retrieval failures.

Do you frequently mix up or reverse letters or numbers?

Do you find it hard to follow the sequence of letters or sounds in words?

Do you struggle with spelling, even with common words?

Do you find it difficult to read aloud fluently and smoothly? Example: do you stumble over words and say them incorrectly

Do you experience persistent difficulty with reading comprehension? Example: When you read you might get parts, but may have difficulty remembering a book as a whole.

Do you often need to reread sentences or passages to understand them? Example: Having to reread the same paragraph/page over a few times for it to make sense.

Do you have trouble organizing thoughts and ideas in writing? Example: Struggle to take brief message stating the purpose of a call.

Do you find it challenging to remember and accurately recall information read in books or articles? Example: Using simpler sentences when writing than when speaking.

Do you have difficulty with time management or completing reading assignments within the given timeframe?

Do you experience anxiety or frustration when faced with reading tasks? Example: Feel stress levels rising for knowing reading is required for the task

Do you avoid reading tasks or try to find ways to minimize reading requirements?

Do you have a family history of reading difficulties or dyslexia?

Before we proceed to your results, do you understand that the outcome of this quiz is not a diagnosis?

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