Dyscalculia Test

Take our Dyscalculia quiz (below) to see whether you could have some traits.


Do you have any traits of Dyscalculia? 

Our Dyscalculia quiz helps to see if you have any traits of Dyscalculia. The questions look to see if you have any difficulty dealing with common challenges faced by people with Dyscalculia.

Please note that the quiz is just to see if you have any traits of Dyscalculia - it does not diagnose Dyscalculia.

Do you need a full diagnosis? or do your results to our quiz indicate you may have a neurodivergent issue? If so you can find out more information about Dyscalculia here.

Take the quiz...

Answer the questions below

What is your name?

Do you have a poor understanding of +, -, ÷ and x, or may confuse with these mathematical symbols?

Do you have trouble learning and understanding reasoning methods and multi-step calculation procedures?

Do you have difficulty with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division or may find it difficult to understand the words "plus," "add," and "add-together."?

Do you have difficulty remembering times tables?

Do you find it difficult to do calculations in your head?

Do you have trouble with a calculator due to difficulties in the process of inputting numbers?

Do you reverse or mix up numbers?

Do you have difficulty with measuring time and judging the passing of time?

Do you have difficulty with everyday tasks involving numbers? Example: counting money

Do you have difficulty keeping scores during games?

Do you find it difficult to understand financial planning or budgeting, sometimes even at a basic level?

Do you find it difficult to grasp and remember mathematical concepts, rules, formulae, and sequences?

Do you have a poor sense of direction? (i.e., north, south, east, and west), potentially even with a compass.

Do you have difficulty estimating the measurement of an object or distance?

Do you have significant anxiety about doing maths and using mathematical devices?

If you close your eyes can you imagine the numbers 1 through 9 on a line? 1️...9️

Do you have difficulty counting using your fingers?

Do you have difficulty with number bonds? 9️ 1️ (e.g.recognising that 10 is made up of 9 and 1).

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More on Dyscalculia ...

Want to know more about Dyscalculia, or see how we help people with Dyscalculia find work? Check out the below links...