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What is Regressive Autism?
Featured image by Shravan K Acharya on Unsplash Regressive autism occurs when a child, after developing typically, loses previously acquired skills such as language and social abilities, usually between 15-30 months. The cause is unclear, possibly involving genetic and environmental factors. Early intervention with therapies like ABA can
ADHD & Vision Problems: What is the Link?
Featured Image by Hiki App, Unsplash Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) has the chance to be linked to vision impairment or discomfort, as it is difficult to focus, track or process visual information. Vision discomfort can affect concentration, reading, and learning, particularly with children and teenagers. How does ADHD affect
What is Executive Dysfunction?
Featured Image by Hernan Sanchez, Unsplash Executive dysfunction is a term used to describe a range of difficulties with cognitive processes necessary for goal-directed behaviour. These processes are often called “executive functions” and include skills such as planning, organising, problem-solving, time management, attention, and self-control. When someone experiences executive dysfunction,
Working from Home with ADHD: Top Tips
Featured Image by Rohann Agalawatte, Burst In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, working patterns have shifted dramatically. In 2019, only 4.7% of UK employees worked from home. This number rose to 46.6% during the initial stages of the pandemic, and since then we have settled into a new post-pandemic
What Are the Main Signs of OCD
Featured Image by Annie Spratt, Unsplash Recognising the signs of OCD early on is crucial for seeking appropriate help and support. OCD can manifest in various ways, but common signs include excessive hand washing, checking, organising, or the need for symmetry and order. Individuals may experience intense anxiety if they
Reasonable Workplace Adjustments for Dyslexia
Featured Image by Rebrand Cities, Pexels The workplace can be challenging for people with dyslexia. With reasonable adjustments in place, these can make the workplace more manageable for dyslexics. Find out more about why reasonable adjustments are important, examples of adjustments, and if employers need to adjust certain features to
What Are the Most Common Types of Synesthesia?
Featured Image by Steve Johnson, Pexels Synesthesia is when your brain interprets senses differently to what it would usually. The types of synesthesia we will be discussing in this blog include the most commonly known ones such as colour graphemic and number form synesthesia. There are three ways in which
How to Interview Autistic Candidates
Featured Image by RDNE Stock project, Pexels This blog post will offer advice for interviewers who are due to interview autistic candidates. Interviewers can find out what adjustments to make to make the interview process more accessible. No two autistic people are the same, so it is important to tailor