Featured image by Jeffrey Paa Kwesi Opare, Pexels In order to have a better understanding of how ADHD affects individuals’ day-to-day activities and how they may […]
Featured image by Jopwell, Pexels Meetings are an essential part of workplace life. They enable employers and their employees to communicate and share information, solve problems, […]
Featured Image by fauxels, Pexels Diversity and inclusion are two terms that received an increased amount of attention in the last years, especially in the organisational […]
Featured Image by Rebrand Cities, Pexels There can be inadvertent roadblocks for Individuals with ADHD within the interview process. However, it is important to note that […]
Featured Image by Marcus Aurelius, Pexels What is ‘Access to Work’? The Access to Work Scheme provides practical and financial support to people with any disability […]
Featured image by Tara Winstead, Pexels Despite popular understanding, we’ve known about ADHD for a long time. Some place its first mention as early as 1775, […]
Featured image by Kha Ruxury, Pexels Hyperlexia is when a child starts reading early and surprisingly beyond their expected ability, sometimes when they are 18 or […]