Our Blog

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June 24, 2024

How to Interview Autistic Candidates

Featured Image by RDNE Stock project, Pexels This blog post will offer advice for interviewers who are due to interview autistic candidates. Interviewers can find out […]
May 13, 2024

Autism & Dyspraxia: Differences & Overlaps

Featured Image by Tara Winstead, Pexels In this blog post, we’ll be looking at the differences and similarities between autism and dyspraxia. Autism is a lifelong […]
April 1, 2024

Autistic Meltdowns at Work: How to Help

Featured Image by Usman Yousaf, unsplash When people usually think of autism meltdowns their minds go to little children having ‘tantrums’ and think of it as […]
March 25, 2024

How to Handle Sensory Overload at Work

Featured Image by Gustavo Fring, Pexels Working in any environment can get very stressful after a while but for people on the autism spectrum that can […]
February 28, 2024

Why Do Autistic People Dislike Phone Calls?

Featured Image by Yogendra Singh, Pexels For many people, phone calls are straightforward ways to communicate. People with autism, however, can find using the phone challenging. […]
February 26, 2024

Why is Eye Contact Difficult for Autistic People?

Featured Image by Noelle Otto, Pexels While eye contact is an essential part of communication, many autistic people can find it difficult. Find out why eye […]
February 19, 2024

Autism in Women: Key Signs of Undiagnosed Autism in Females

Featured Image by juan mendez, Pexels Why can autism be diagnosed late in women? It’s concerning that a striking 80% of women remain undiagnosed with autism […]
February 2, 2024

Autism-Friendly Travel Tips: Making Adventures Accessible

Featured Image by Pixabay, Pexels Travelling is an exciting and enriching experience for most of us, and has been found to positively impact an individual’s quality […]